Lamb Ending Explained: A Rude Awakening From A Blissful Dream – /Film

Maria herself never really sees what happened; by the time she finds her husband bleeding out alone, the creature and Ada are long gone. Maria cries as her husband dies in her arms, and expresses a ton of reasonable terror and confusion over what’s just happened. But then things gets a little less straightforward: She calms down suddenly and starts looking around. Twice she looks right at the camera, as if she can somehow see us. We get a shot of the couple’s dog lying in the field, recently mauled by The Ram Man. (Yes, that’s what we’re calling him.) The way the two images are cut together imply that Maria’s seeing the dog in the field, but that doesn’t seem literally possible.

At the end we find Maria standing alone in a muddy, foggy area, no longer actively panicking but just looking dazed, tired and confused. She lets out a gasp, one that sounds and looks surprisingly similar to her gasp during her sex scene with Ingvar 30 minutes earlier in the film. With that note, the movie ends, leaving the audience to find their own meaning in the events we’ve just witnessed. Why does Maria react this way? Why does The Ram Man murder Ingvar? What was the purpose of the brother Pétur, outside of giving us an explanation for why Maria was separated from Ingvar during his death? Maybe most importantly, what are we supposed to take away from their relationship with Ada, the character the whole story revolves around?

Trying to give any concrete explanations to the events of an intentionally ambiguous, metaphor-driven film is a bit of fool’s errand, but if you’re looking for some potential answers, we’ve got a few for you to take into consideration…

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