The Twilight Zone Episode Where Is Everybody Hit A Few Bumps Behind The Scenes – /Film

Holliman recalled the shoot well, largely thanks to said camera issues, as well as a series of other increasingly bothersome maladies. “Where Is Everybody?” was shot on the Universal backlot, using the same courthouse square used in “To Kill a Mockingbird,” “Inherit the Wind,” “Gremlins,” “Back to the Future,” “Elvira: Mistress of the Dark,” and The Offspring’s “Why Don’t You Get a Job?” music video. Holliman remembers sharply the shock of dismay when the shooting came to an end on “The Twilight Zone.” He said: 

“The first day was long, and at the end of it, I heard the camera guy say, ‘Uh, oh,’ which is not what you want to hear. Well, they checked the camera and there was some small problem and we didn’t get a single shot. So we all went home with our heads between our legs.”

Holliman doesn’t elucidate on what the camera issue might have been, other than to say no useable footage was captured that day. And that wasn’t the end of it for the episode’s problems.

The following day Holliman awoke to a 102° fever, perhaps because of his fatigue on the first day of shooting. Despite his illness, Holliman reported to set, hoping that his genuine fever would contribute to his character’s increased disorientation. Sadly, it didn’t work that way for the actor, and he had to leave the set to rest. A lesson for us all: even if you’re an actor playing someone with a 102° fever, don’t actually show up to the set with a 102° fever. Holliman apologized to the New York Times for not actually being disoriented. 

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