The Indiana Jones Scene Karen Allen Was Upset With And Wanted To Change – /Film

In a 2012 interview with Entertainment Weekly, Allen revealed her specific qualms with the moment. As she told the magazine:

“Well, I remember being very, very disappointed that in the script, he falls asleep. I was like, ‘Really?’ [Laughs] ‘He’s really going to fall asleep here? After all we’ve been through.’ And I think I may have even said, ‘Can we change that?'”

In Indy’s defense, he’s just had the crap kicked out of him — and been shot! — during one of the greatest chase scenes ever filmed. The man just wants to crash for, like, a week. When Marion tries to minister to him, he protests. So she asks him where he doesn’t hurt, and gently kisses each spot until he indicates his lips need attention. You expect a love scene to kick in, but, no, he really does conk out.

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