Summer Wrecked Havoc on My Skin and Hair—These 13 Budget-Friendly Sale Items Will Help

Summer Wrecked Havoc on My Skin and Hair—These 13 Budget-Friendly Sale Items Will Help

UV rays! Saltwater! Chlorine! Summer is always hard on my hair and skin, but this year, it’s next-level. I spent lots of time traveling in dry climates. I laid out on the beach under the hot sun. I maintained an inconsistent sleep schedule peppered with cocktail hours and late-night dinners. Sure, I had fun, but I incurred some serious skin and hair damage.

Allow me to give you all the unsavory details. Firstly, my hair is dry and brittle, and I have more split ends than I can count. It’s not cute. Secondly, despite diligent sunscreen application, my skin is dull and discolored. It’s always been prone to hyperpigmentation, so I’m not surprised TBH. Generally speaking, I need a glow-up—not just in an aesthetic sense but also in a “skin and hair health” sense.

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