Paris Fashion Week is over, but the party’s still going for the bed bugs lucky enough to hitch a ride with Hollywood A-listers flying back to the U.S. … and now an org specializing in the creepy crawly pests is offering a stern warning.
Dr. Jim Fredericks — a board-certified entomologist and senior public affairs VP at the National Pest Management Association — tells TMZ … bed bugs are highly capable hitchhikers, so the possibility of them catching a ride to the States from infested Paris remains high. However, there are measures celebs can take to avoid that nightmare.
For starters, Dr. Fredericks says any celebs who attended fashion shows or bunked up at bougie Paris hotels need to do a hardcore inspection of their luggage and bedding alike — and that includes those who stayed at the ritziest of hotels. 5-stars or one, bed bugs don’t care, and tend to worm their way into any setting.
On top of looking for live bed bugs, the doc says any signs of exoskeletons or fecal spots are good indications of a bed bug problem. Preventatively, he explains the wise move is storing luggage outside of bedrooms during visits.
Additionally, a thorough inspection of suitcases/backpacks, etc. is smart before catching a flight back home … to prevent the critters from hopping continents.
Even if you’re sure your gear is bed bug-free … Dr. Fredericks says anyone visiting Paris oughta do a thorough wash of all their clothes, and dry them on a high heat setting. Once back in the U.S., he says it’s better to be safe than sorry … so, a dry clean wouldn’t hurt either.
While blood-sucking bed bugs don’t pose a risk of spreading disease, per se, they can be a major nuisance once they’ve set up shop … all of which can be averted with preemptive action.
The more you know!
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