Prices for luxury handbags have skyrocketed in recent years. The Row’s highly coveted Margaux bag, for instance, costs $3650 for the smallest size, $5700 for a medium version, and $6400 for the largest tote. The Margaux is undoubtedly my holy grail handbag, but it’s simply out of the question price-wise. However, I’d rather not revert to fast fashion—I’m more than willing to spend money on a high-quality, elegant, well-constructed bag made with premium leather. And that’s where brands like Manu Atelier come in, offering beautiful creations for less than $800.
Katie Holmes, for instance, just wore Manu Atelier’s Le Cambon 35 Silk Grey Nubuck Bag ($745). I’m very aware that a $745 handbag is still extremely expensive, but it’s a whopping $4955 less than a medium-sized Margaux bag. Boasting the same quality and craftsmanship as its more expensive counterpart, Katie’s bag will appeal to shoppers looking for an unmistakably luxurious product at a fraction of the price. Sound like you? Scroll down to shop Katie’s Manu Atelier bag in eight different colors.
On Katie Holmes: Manu Atelier Le Cambon 35 Silk Grey Nubuck ($745)
Shop Katie Holmes’s Bag in 8 Different Colors
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