Indiana Jones Would Shudder At Harrison Ford’s Latest Contribution To Science – /Film

Indiana Jones Would Shudder At Harrison Ford’s Latest Contribution To Science – /Film

As Indy himself once put it in “Temple of Doom,” “Nothing shocks me … I’m a scientist.” That line of dialogue just got closer to becoming a reality, at least for the character’s real-life counterpart. It just so happens to come as a result of Indiana Jones’ lifelong struggle with ophidiophobia, the official term for fear of snakes that I just looked up in the hopes of impressing my old science teachers.

As for Harrison Ford, his official reaction to the news of having an entirely new species of snake named after him is as hilarious as it gets. In a comment that has already been rightfully compared to that of a satirical Clickhole article, the “Indiana Jones” actor weighed in on the prestigious honor in the only way he could. As he put it:

“These scientists keep naming critters after me, but it’s always the ones that terrify children. I don’t understand. I spend my free time cross-stitching. I sing lullabies to my basil plants, so they won’t fear the night.”

Those previous “critters” include a type of ant known as Pheidole harrisonfordi and a certain kind of spider as well, called Calponia harrisonfordi. After making the mistake of image searching those two types of animals, well, we’d have to agree with the “terrify children” part. Of course, Ford quickly pivots from the joke to call it “humbling” and talk up the importance of conservationism: “On this planet, all fates are intertwined, and right now, one million species are teetering on the edge of oblivion. We have an existential mandate to mend our broken relationship with nature and protect the places that sustain life.”

If Indiana Jones can make peace with snakes, we have no excuse either.

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