Brian Wilson’s Team Petitions for Conservatorship After Death of Wife, Amid Mental Decline

Brian Wilson’s Team Petitions for Conservatorship After Death of Wife, Amid Mental Decline

Brian Wilson‘s business manager LeeAnn Hard and his longtime publicist and manager Jean Sievers have filed a petition to become the Beach Boys frontman’s conservators, overseeing his personal and medical decisions, according to the Associated Press

According to documents filed with the Los Angeles Superior Court on Wednesday, including a doctor’s declaration, Wilson has a “major neurocognitive disorder” and is taking medication for dementia, the Associated Press reports.

In the petition, Wilson’s representatives said that following the death of Wilson’s wife Melinda Ledbetter, who had been taking care of his daily needs, he has been unable to care for himself.

“Wilson is unable to properly provide for his own personal needs for physical health, food, clothing, or shelter,” the petition states, according to the AP.

Hart and Sievers, the filing states, “have had a close relationship with Mr. and Mrs. Wilson for many years, and Mr. Wilson trusts them.”

In a joint statement from Hard and Sievers shared with The Hollywood Reporter, they said: “We appreciate the overwhelming outpouring of love and support for Brian. While Brian is diagnosed with early stages of dementia and he mourns the loss of his beloved wife Melinda, he is physically healthy and leads a full life and is currently working on projects.  As his co-conservators, we will ensure that all of Brian’s daily living needs are satisfied and he continues to lead an active life.” 

On Thursday, the Wilson family explained the move on social media. “Following the passing of Brian’s beloved wife Melinda, after careful consideration and consultation among Brian, his seven children, Gloria Ramos and Brian’s doctors (and consistent with family processes put in place by Brian and Melinda), we are confirming that longtime Wilson family representatives LeeAnn Hard and Jean Sievers will serve as Brian’s co-conservators of the person.”

It continued, “This decision was made to ensure that there will be no extreme changes to the household and Brian and the children living at home will be taken care of and remain in the home where they are cared for by Gloria Ramos and the wonderful team at the house who have been in place for many years helping take care of the family. Brian will be able to enjoy all of his family and friends and continue to work on current projects as well as participate in any activities he chooses.”

Decades ago, Wilson was under the close supervision of controversial psychologist Eugene Landy. While Landy treated the musician when he struggled with substance abuse, the psychologist ultimately took control of the singer’s life and work. Wilson’s family ultimately intervened, and Landy was barred from any contact with Wilson.

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