From NYC to Johannesburg: Meet the 7 Designers That Make Up Fashion’s New Guard

From NYC to Johannesburg: Meet the 7 Designers That Make Up Fashion’s New Guard

There’s not exactly a shortage of brands in fashion. In fact, a scroll through any Who What Wear editor’s Instagram feed will likely result in the discovery of at least one. While it can be hard to keep track of them all, it’s never a bad idea to familiarize yourself with new perspectives. Every brand has a story, and depending on where its founders come from and manufacture their designs, it could be one you’re wholly unfamiliar with. Shopping gets a bad reputation at times, but in reality, it can be a beautiful manner in which to learn about cultures you’d otherwise be unfamiliar with.

To help anyone transition out of the mindset where fashion is just about clothes and nothing more significant, we’ve hand-selected seven designers from around the world who each have unique stories they’ve chosen to share through garments. One hails from Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, while another chose Riga, Latvia, to start her brand. Below, you’ll also meet designers who call Johannesburg, New York City, and Kyiv home. Read their stories and discover the clothing they’ve made it their life’s work to design and manufacture. They’re sharing pieces of their homes with the rest of the world—one dress, suit, or tailored separate at a time.

Without further ado, meet fashion’s new guard, seven designers from across the globe who are shaping the industry’s future.

(Image credit: Michelle Rhee)

Michelle Rhee dipped her toe in practically every possible fashion-industry job, from editorial to styling to PR, before confirming what she’d known all along—design was the path for her. “Sketching, working with materials, and making was where I felt the most fulfilled,” she says. After moving to New York City from Los Angeles and graduating from New York University, Rhee enrolled in a program at Parsons School of Design to officially kick off her design career.