6 Jeans Styles Our Editors Are No Longer Interested In

6 Jeans Styles Our Editors Are No Longer Interested In

Remember how prevalent ultra-skinny jeans once were, or how everyone went wild for the raw, tassle-hemmed jeans circa 2015? While some jeans styles are considered to be pretty impenetrable in terms of timelessness others, well, simply don’t have as long a shelf life. Like anything else in the fashion realm, jeans ebb and flow in popularity and, in some instances, will begin to feel dated once fresher or classic options come back to the fore. Still, I don’t want to be dismissive—just because something feels less current than it once did isn’t reason alone to purge it from your wardrobe or replace it with a similar item. I look at every purchase I make as a commitment, and while I understand things might cool for a while, I try to think about the long game and whether or not I’ll still want to wear said purchase in five or ten years time. This in itself guides me to make smarter shopping choices. Still, that doesn’t mean I don’t experience a cool-off period.

Taking the conversation back to jeans, there are styles I have in my wardrobe that I don’t wear so much right now but I have decided to hold on to, knowing they’re fall back in favour at some point. Instead, I’ve found myself gravitating to some of my other pairs of late, thus sparking an idea. I wanted to find out from my stylish colleagues which jean styles they’re enjoying wearing this season and, in turn, which pairs feel, for the lack of a better term, a little dated to them and have decided to pause on wearing.

Source From: www.whowhatwear.com

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